Treatment of Serious Rigid Scoliosis by Halo-pelvic Traction and Harrington Rods Fixation; Posterior Internal Fixation with Vertebral Pedicle Screw and Bar System to Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures 头盆牵引及多根哈氏棒固定矫治重度脊柱侧凸经后路椎弓根钉棒系统内固定治疗胸腰椎骨折
He says the drug also loosens microtubules, tiny protein structures that make up rigid internal cell structures or mini bones of the spine. 他说,紫杉醇还能松弛微管,那是一种微小的蛋白结构,形成脊椎小骨头的细胞组织。
Complications and clinical results of vertebral column resection for the treatment of severe rigid kyphoscoliosis Anterior decompression and fusion with BAK in cervical spine 广泛后路松解加顶椎全椎体切除治疗重度僵硬脊柱侧后凸畸形颈椎前路减压颈椎椎体间融合器椎体间融合术
An old view is "the more rigid the instrumentation is, the better the results are", which has been disproved by clinical evidences. Improper use of internal spine fixation instrument should be avoided. 临床结果批判脊柱内固定融合越坚固越好的观点,避免脊柱固定器材的滥用。